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����������������� East High Class of �56�

���� NewsLink��������

�������������� December, 2001




Well, another five years has come and gone. The 45th reunion went very well. We had approximately 118 people in attendance. The out of towner attendees were disappointed that there wasn�t better attendance from the graduates still living in Des Moines. There were many that they had hoped to see.


We started off Friday evening at Prairie Meadows for an informal get together starting at 6:00PM. Prairie Meadows prepared a picnic type supper for us consisting of Brats, Hamburgers, Potato Salad, Pasta Salad, Chips, assorted relishes, and fresh baked cookies and desert bars.

Janeene (Miller) Carlisle introducing attendee�s at Prairie Meadows on Friday Evening.


After dinner, Janeene (Miller) Carlisle introduced all attendee�s and had them stand for recognition purposes. It was amazing how many still looked very close to how you had remembered them from 45 years ago. Maybe an additional pound or two, or less, a little gray in some hair, a little less hair in some cases, but overall, most people still looked pretty much the same.



������������ Don Spaw won an EHS Scarlets Alumni Tee shirt.


We gave away something like 25 prizes Friday evening at Prairie Meadows.


����������������� Kay (Johnson) Inman won an EHS shirt


Everyone who attended received a nice brass Horsehead key chain compliments of Prairie Meadows via Kay (Edwards) Alcantar.

The committee also presented a cap to Tom Lettington, which had �Webmaster� Class of 56 in appreciation of all that he had done for setting up a website on the internet. Tom had to cancel out of coming about 10 days before the reunion. So, we mailed the cap to him.

Janeene Carlisle supprised Larry Fogelson by presenting him a cap also from the committee, which said �Class of 56 Newslink Editor�. One of the few moments that I found it hard to have something to say.I will echo Tom Lettingtons email response after he received his cap, when I say, �I will treasure it always�.


��������������������������� Visiting at Prairie Meadows-


Pat(Rounds) Hockersmith-Mary(Crum)Moses-Don Moses-Larry Hockersmith�Back of Tom Pierick- Ruth Pierick-Ron Larson


The Dirty Half Dozen also known as the 45th Reunion Committee

Larry Soloman-Janeene(Miller)Carlisle-Bob Trotter-Shirley(Grant) Robinette-Larry Fogelson- Pat(Rounds)Hockersmith


On Saturday morning Janeene Carlisle had the girls meet for Breakfast at the Country Kitchen restaurant on E. 14th.


Gals get-together at Country Kitchen. (Wonder what or whom they talked about?)



We started off Saturday evening with a social hour. Class Picture. Bob Trotter gave the invocation, and we were served Dinner.

After Dinner, we had a microphone pass around so all grads could stand and introduce themselves, their spouse, a short comment on what they have done since graduation, etc. This was followed by a short program, singing the olschool song (which was lead by Tom Abbott and Ken Viggers), and the giving away of about another 30 prizes.

John and Donna (Turner) Beal gave a weeks stay at their Condo in Colorado. This was won by Paul Goetz of Phoenix, AZ., who go�s skiing in Colorado every year anyway. Talk about luck.


Janice(Crain)Stueckrath-Sheryl(Deskin)Holsman-Donna(Turner) Beal-Sally(Peterson)Goeser-Sharon(Whitehead)Stilwell-Bing(Kinney)Miller at Echo Valley.

Echo Valley CC was a great setting for the Saturday night festivities.


Ray Robinette trying to �Smooze� wife Shirley (Grant) Robinette.


�������� Mary Lou (Katzmann)Goodman-Connie & Bob Trotter


Larry Carlisle in foreground. Table L to R-Walter & JoAnn (Brady) Wilson-Dale & Marlene(Roberts) Wheeler-Jackie & Larry Soloman-Suzanne (Samo) Newton


I would like to give �Thanks and Credit� to those individuals who have posted pictures on the Web page and or sent them email. That is where I borrowed these from. Known names are: Janeene (Miller) Carlisle-Deanna (Wheatly) Peterson-Suzanne (Samo) Newton-Bob Trotter. There are many many more photos on Lettingtons Web page at Tom has even made some excellent �Then and Now� comparisons.


Dick Smith - Ken Viggers & Tom Abbott singing School Song.


����������������������������� George and Martha Clark


������������������ Mary Lou (Weisbord)Nicholson-Tom Fjelde-����������������������������������������������� Sharel(Tuers)Spendlove


��������������������������� Kay(Edwards) and Chico Alcantar



I would like to extend special recognition to committee member Janeene (Miller) Carlisle for all her extra efforts for this reunion. She did a lot of legwork, and extra attention to minor details in preparation, to make this reunion a memorable one.



1ST ROW: Donna (Nichols) Wilson-Shirley( Grant) Robinette-Mary Lou (Weisbrod) Nicholson-Sally (Peterson) Goeser-Janeene (Miller) Carlisle-Mary (Crum) Moses-Larry Anderson- Connie (Knauss) Thomson-Suzanne (Samo) Newton-Marlene (Roberts) Wheeler-Jerry Smith-Donna (Turner) Beal-Charles Allen-Jerry Brown

2nd ROW: Yvonne (Miller) Nauman-Sharel (Tuers) Spendlove-Kay (Johnson) Inman-Mary Lou (Katzmann) Goodman-Janice (Crain) Stueckrath-Barbara(Lowe) Penn-Janice (Webber) Cassidy-Bing (Kinney) Miller-Ruth (Cook) Haag-Pat (Rounds) Hockersmith- Eileen �Joy� (Thornton) Lowthorp-Dick Smith Barbra (Evens) Priest-Larry Fogelson-JoAnn (Brady) Wilson-Don Spaw-Larry Soloman-Robert Baldwin-Steve Larson

3rd ROW: Shirley (Lowder) Warrick-Doris (Rasmussen) Richards-Gwen (Brewer) Stubbs-Mevelyn (Wooderson) Richardson-Alfreda (Moore) Emery-Sharon (Burris) Howze-Nancy (Lund) Belluchi-Jean Allsteadt-Diane (Ballinger) Ott-Linda (White) Towers-Jerry Ott-Deanna (Wheatley) Peterson-Bob Trotter-Donna (Mumford) Eide-Sharon (Whitehead) Stilwell-Larry Gilliland-Tom Abbott-George Clark-Tom Fjelde-Ron Olson-Dan Strosnider-

Back Row: Kay (Edwards) Alcantar-Sheryl (Deskin) Holsman-Stan Ritchie-Bill Foster-Don Sullivan-Tom Pierick-Paul Goetz-Donald Stevens-Ken Viggers- Jerry Hall Max Miller

NOT PICTURED: John Beal-Carol (Graney) DeChant-Kathleen (Graney) Finanauer-Ron Larson-Don Stevens-Larry Watkins



I would like to give recognition to the individuals who donated cash, prizes or services for the 45th Reunion.

John and Donna (Turner) Beal donated a week�s stay at their Colorado Condo plus two $50.00 cash envelopes that were drawn for.

The following individuals donated cash that was used to buy the EHS apparel that was drawn for:

Jerry Hall � Sharon (Burris) Howze Mary Lou (Weisbrod) Nicholson � Deanna (Wheatley) Peterson � Sheryl (Tuers) Spendlove �Pat (Jones) Mondike � Kay (Johnson) Inman � Bing (Kinney) Miller

The following individuals donated prizes that were given to all attendees and or other prizes that were drawn for:

Kay (Edwards) Alcantar; Brass Horsehead Keychains for everyone, plus two $25.00 gift certificates from Prairie Meadows.

Tom Pierick; donated Lighted Keychains for everyone plus an assortment of Umbrellas, Golf Towels, and Hand Calculatorsthat were drawn for.

Ruth (Cook) Hagg; Donated a Mans and a Ladies basket of Jafra products to be drawn for.

�� The following individuals donated service and or materials toward the 45th Reunion.

Cindy (Robinette) Anderson; materials and service of covers and bindings for booklets

Beverly (Miller) Hartgrave; Helpingtype and make up name tags for Saturday night.

Connie Trotter; Running of mailing labels..



A special �Thanks� to the following volunteers who helped the committee on one or both evenings.

�� Mary Lou (Katzmann) Goodman

�� Mary Lou (Weisbrod) Nicholson

�� Dick Smith



The reunion committee voted to purchase on behalf of the �Class of 56�, a 6� x 12� limestone paver in the new Memory Spiral on the north side of the school. Construction is to begin next spring. The paver will have Class of 56 etched into it.

The project is to have a information wall and a outdoor classroom. The stone information wall will depict memorable events in EHS history.


Response to 45th Reunion

We passed out a questionnaires at the reunion asking what they liked? disliked?. We received a lot of positive feedback.


Thanks to all the committee who worked so hard to give us a great two-day event. It was great seeing all who made it, and I missed those who couldn�t.� Mary Lou (Katzmann) Goodman

The committee did a fantastic job. Thanks for all they put into it. I evaluate it all A+.� Carol (Graney) DeChant.

Dislikes � None. Thanks for a great 45th reunion.�� Just wished more had attended.�Tom Pierick

�Very well ;planned and organized. Sat evening facilities at Echo Valley were excellent.� Ken Viggers

First of all, thank you for all of the committees efforts. The Wingate Inn was great. It�s public spaces allowed for socializing at breakfast, and visiting into the wee hours of the morning. Thanks again.� Tom Fjelde

�Liked everything. It was nice to be close to the airport. We liked the Wingate Inn�s breakfast area with tables set up not only for breakfast, but also for gathering after the events of the evening. Those who didn�t stay there missed half the fun. Thanks for all that the committee did.� Looking forward to the 50th.� Sharon (Burris) Howze

We received several good suggestions that we will try to incorporate into the 50th.


Fall Dinner Get-together Oct. 8th, 2001

We had 34 people in attendance at the fall dinner get-together at the Okoboji Grill in Johnston.. Not bad, considering we just had the reunion about 5 weeks before. There were mostly familiar faces, but pleasantly a few new faces. As pleasant as it is to see the familiar faces, it is also exciting to see the new faces. Those in attendance were:

Shirley(Grant) & Ray Robinette � Milo & Loretta (Woods) Ware � Theresa (Hodges) Lowman � Ron & Yvonne (Miller) Nauman � Larry & Jackie Soloman. Don & Arlene Spaw � Larry & Margaret Fogelson � Linda (White) Towers � Nancy (Lund) Belluchi � Bob & Connie Trotter � Don & Mary (Crum) Moses � Pat (Rounds) & Larry Hockersmith � Buddy & Joy Bellis � Jerry & Beckey Smith � Phil & Barbara (Lowe) Penn � Bill & Mary Lou (Carnal) Howard � Gary & Romona (Hitchcock) Moore � Larry & Janeene (Miller) Carlisle � Kathleen A. (Graney) Finkenauer.

The next dinner get-together will be April 22nd , 2002 at 6:30 PM. at the Pleasant Hill Okoboji Grill, located at 1225 Copper Creek Drive in Pleasant Hill. (Located off E. University after you cross Four Mile Creek going East) Let�s have a big turn out.

Telephone committee will notify Janeene Carlisle of their anticipated numbers by Wednesday April 17th.


Wife Impressed with Class Connection

My wife Barbara has read the NewsLink and thinks it is fantastic. She finds it hard to believe the EHS Alumni Assoc. is as big as it is. But says it must be, if one class can stay as connected as ours, what with the newsletter and the Website. Thanks for all that everyone does.������� Ronald Olson



Our �appreciation� to the following individuals for their donations to keep the Newslink coming:

Tom Pierick � Loretta (Woods) Ware � Ray T. Treadway � Pat (Rounds) & Larry Hockersmith

It costs about $500.00 per year to keep this going for such things as envelopes, labels, stamps, and printing.



It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of two more classmates:

����� Harry H. Ellis

���� Donna (Bennett) Glas

They are gone, but not forgotten.



One of our classmates has recently undergone surgery, and is now on dialysis three days a week. Kay (Johnson) Inman is such a nice person, but has had a pretty rough go of it for the past few years. Right now she could use your comfort and cheering up. Please send her a �Thinking of You� card, so she knows we are all thinking of her.

Kay (Johnson) Inman

460 N. 3759th Road

Mendota, Ill.61342



For those with a computer, you can access dozens of the Reunion pictures on Tom Lettingtons Website at: There are many snapshots as well as the class picture, which Tom has made it easy for you to identify people with a �then and now� closeup headshot�. Great job Tom.


Remember, if your email address has changed, be sure to send it to Lettington.



If your address has changed or you have something to go in the NewsLink, send it to:

Larry Fogelson

3121 Twana Drive

Des Moines, IA.50310



Mail any Donations to:

Shirley (Grant) Robinette

812 E. 22nd Ct.

Des Moines, IA.�� 50317



In remembrance for the lives lost on September 11th with the senseless and tragic act of hatred. It is with a heavy and sad heart that I ask you to be especially attentive with your thoughts for the memory of the lives lost, and the lives affected by this act. Some of you may have been personally affected by this act. My personal affect as a 34-year career Firefighter was the loss of 342 Firefighters. One of whom had been a instructor for one of my classes at the National Fire Academy. Let us remember them all.



Class dinner get-together on April 22nd at 6:30 PM at Okoboji Grill in Pleasant Hill.



A-B��.Jerry Smith

C-F��..LaVae (Konz) Willson

F-H��..Donna (Aspengren) Yeager

H-N��.Norma (Treanor) Burke

N-S��.Ruth (Cook) Haag

S-W��Arlene Spaw

W-Z��Janeene (Miller) Carlisle

(call Janeene Carlisle at 984-6030 with your headcount by Wednesday April 17th)



Have a very special Holiday Season and a Happy and Prosperous New Year